
There is no consensus in the science of penal enforcement law as to when a person sentenced to imprisonment has achieved the goal of his correction. The criteria for such an assessment should be structured and logically consistent indicators, reflecting the level of correction of a particular person. While serving his sentence, the convicted person interacts in one way or another with the administration of the correctional institution executing the criminal punishment and other convicts. A special place in this process is given to educational work, which, according to the Penal Enforcement Code of the Russian Federation, is recognized as one of the main means of correcting convicts. The purpose of this study is to identify problems in the theory and practice of performing tasks of educational work with prisoners sentenced to imprisonment. As a result of the conducted research, the following conclusions are formulated: the effectiveness of educational work with prisoners is influenced by a system of factors, including the content of communication, types and mechanisms of influence of correctional institution employees; these factors contribute to the formation, consolidation and change of convicts' views, perceptions, norms of behavior and value orientations.

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