
The article analyzes public-private partnership as a mechanism for improving the quality of higher education. It was noted that today business is actively promoting the development of social investments in the field of higher education. The author draws attention to the fact that the main content of companies' social responsibility is their interaction with educational institutions, their structural units, educational and research teams, expanding the presence of companies both in the educational process itself and in governing bodies. If earlier the private sector was limited only to charitable assistance, sponsorship or simply donations, today it is focused on active participation in the life of a higher institution in its development, improving the material base, including within the framework of public-private partnerships. A characteristic feature of recent times is the creation of corporate universities, both in companies themselves and in institutions of higher education. It is noted that public-private partnership in the field of higher education is becoming a strategic alliance that regulates the integration interaction of participants: the state, companies, non-governmental organizations and higher educational institutions at different stages of the life cycle of educational services. The benefits of the state are transformed with the help of the mechanism of publicprivate partnership, it turns out to be in the development of the commercial sector for the supply of public goods to improve the quality and innovation of educational services. For the private sector, the benefits of public-private partnerships are manifested in the development of a "public" component in the supply of private goods based on corporate social responsibility, the ability to assess and attract knowledge to a specific business, concerns higher education institutions, then the benefits of public-private partnerships are manifested in extra-budgetary financing the educational process, bringing the effectiveness of educational services and scientific development to the commercial level of implementation in order to obtain new competitive advantages in educational services, as well as public-private partnership can be considered as a tool for solving such problems of modern higher education as; pooling and raising funds to improve the quality of educational programs. It has been proved that the mechanisms of public-private partnership in the foreseeable future can become one of the main directions of financing the development of infrastructure and campuses of higher education institutions.

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