
Current development of IT technologies makes it possible to automate production processes in the transport industry. Introducing the automated systems helps reduce the downtime of vehicles under loading and unloading operations. Handling various loads or specializing in a certain cargo flow, the terminal operator selects lifting and transport equipment and the degree of its automation. Automation of lifting and transport equipment has been most developed at container terminals, because the container as a cargo unit has certain dimensions, the metal surface of the container reflects the signals of the distance sensors mounted on the cargo handling device (spreader). During the experiments, it was found out that the signal of ultrasonic sensors is reflected from the surface of ice, which can form on the container in winter, laser sensors show the distance to the surface of the container. Installation of laser sensors helps to reduce the working cycle time of lifting and transport equipment, reduce the likelihood of damage to the container. Loading and unloading operations on ships have their own specifics. In case of roll and /or trim, it is difficult to point the spreader at the container, which leads to an increase in the working cycle, therefore, the idle time of the vessel under processing. To solve the problem of reducing the working cycle time of lifting and transport equipment when unloading a vessel with a roll or trim of the vessel, a laboratory sample of the mechanism for stabilizing the spreader relative to the surface of the container has been developed. The stabilization mechanism operates according to the following algorithm: the signal from the laser sensors goes to the microcontroller, which compares the signals and then transmits the signal to the actuator, which stabilizes the spreader parallel to the surface of the container. The proposed device will increase the productivity of lifting and transport equipment when handling ships with roll and trim.

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