
The paper analyses the place and role of religion in the political life of modern Ukraine and its influence on the political life and transformations broght about by political factors. It shows that the growing level of believers' political activity determines the deepening of the process of politicization of religion and simultaneously contributes to the religionization of the political process. It demonstrates that the politicization of religion encourages the laity and the clergy to build and establish a democratic Ukrainian state and the revival of national spirituality and morality. But, on the other hand, in the presence of anti-Ukrainian tendencies in the activities of certain denominations such a process can lead to a sharp political and inter-church confrontation which can cause a political and religious crisis in society. It is shown that some activities of religious organizations operating in Ukraine are outside of the legal framework. The need to align the existing legal framework on the relationship between the Church, religious organizations and the state with modern realities is emphasized. In this context, the problem of developing and implementing deterrent mechanisms for the participation of extremist religious organizations in political activities is quite relevant. It is shown that a starting point for the involvement of religious organizations and institutions in political activities deals with understanding (at the theoretical and theological level) of the principles of their interactions with the structures of state authorities, society and citizens. Тhis is achieved by way of incorporating findings of theological and canonical research on such topics in the strategy, social concepts, appeals. This serves as the basis for specific instructions regarding the forms and content of participation of the Church, clergy, and laity in political life. It is emphasized that the direct inclusion of the Church, religious denominations and believers in political processes opens the possibility for manipulative influence on believers aiming at lobbying interests of certain political parties during the election processes.

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