
UDC 336.1:6; 69.003 ; JEL Classification: G38; H54 The neglected state of the infrastructure of bridges, the increase in their accident rate, the lack of state funds for their construction and reconstruction only encourage the state and science. The problem of reconstruction and construction of bridges is relevant not only for Ukraine, but also for a number of states of the world. Therefore, the problem of financial support for bridge construction is an urgent research vector. The purpose of the article is to study the models and forms of financing of bridge construction to determine the most acceptable in the realities of Ukraine. To achieve the purpose, the following tasks were solved: positive and negative aspects of modern financing models were identified from the perspective of advanced world experience; the results obtained are summarized and conclusions are drawn. Research methodology. To achieve the purpose, the following general scientific and special methods and techniques of research were used: a comparative analysis of scientific literature and information sources based on methods of comparison, systematization and generalization; generalization of the results of the analysis and the logical generation of conclusions. Results. The results of theoretical studies recorded the lack of a clear methodology for financing in general and bridge construction in particular. It is noted that now, to determine the amount of funding, the strengths and weaknesses of the potential object for funding are taken into account, public goods and positive externalities are determined. It has been proven that this approach is unacceptable, and this gives rise to an urgent need to develop a methodology for accurately determining the share of funding from the standpoint of priority support for weak regions. Scientific novelty. On the basis of the analysis of the forms and methods of financing bridge construction and positive advanced world experience, it is proposed to develop a methodology for accurately determining the share of financing from the position of priority support for weak regions in the implementation of bridge construction projects. Practical value. A niche for promising research has been identified - the development of a method for accurately determining the share of funding from the position of priority support for weak regions in the implementation of bridge construction projects.

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