
In the article the main educational ideas of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskiy are explored. The purpose of the article is to research the influence of Christian pedagogy on moral education of children and youth. The current state of education is characterized by an active search for the ways of improving the effectiveness of the process of moral and patriotic education at school. Nowadays the study of historical pedagogical heritage has become one of the priority directions in the implementation of patriotic education in our country, which is reflected in the introduction of Christian values into the educational process at school. The main forms of Sheptytskiy’s educational activity are explored. The ideas of Metropolitan Andrey concerning the Christian education of children and youth are characterized and their significance in modern educational reality is shown. The moral and pastoral messages of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskiy are analysed and the ideals of Christian education are offered for children and youth. A variety of methods of moral and patriotic education for all participants of the educational process at school are presented. The importance of school and family partnership in education is described. Mutual work of church and school contributes to the success of pupils, prevents problems, resolves misunderstandings that arise in the process of moral education. The educational and cultural activity of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskiy has been highlighted. Sheptytkkiy’s activity in the spread of professional, craft, agricultural and technical education among all young people is depicted. The moral and patriotic education has been analysed in many Christian magazines and books.

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