
 Art objects and art landscapes are works of popular art created from industrial materials and by means of industrial technologies. Art morphology shifts the audience's attention from the substantial values of the previously bodily and visible matter of an object to its figurative and symbolic "broadcasting". Focused on the means of communication, art objects are multi-layered and bring us back to the forms of "pure art", which now require the plot-thematic modeling of their exposition. Art-shaping is connected with making symbols out of objects in the spatial environment and with the process of semiosis (the expansion of their meanings through a combination of symbolic forms). A method of creating art morphology involves organizing mise-en-scenes and consists in finding (or creating) symbols (art objects) and their placement in the view area of art facilities.


  • Противясь реализму, скрывает сопротивление, которое нужно преодолеть, и в этом заключена основная идея кнопочного жанра

  • Gorozhankin ART AS THE MORPHOLOGY OF ARCHITECTURAL EXPOSITION Art objects and art landscapes are works of popular art created from industrial materials and by means of industrial technologies

  • Art-shaping is connected with making symbols out of objects in the spatial environment and with the process of semiosis (the expansion of their meanings through a combination of symbolic forms)

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Им стала сцена бутафорского сада для интерактивных прогулок Особое место проектная мысль отводит названию темы (артформы) или имени (арт-объекта). Таким предметом для творческого коллектива «тандем» в проектировании интерьеров отеля с испанским оттенком явился ВЕЕР – атрибут костюма и символ испанской культуры

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