
The article examines the technology of click-bait headlines, which have become one of the main tools to attract the attention of the media audience, but the public opinion continues to regard them as an unacceptable tabloid technique. Most of the definitions of clickbait contain negative connotations and are not exactly what modern clickbait is. It has evolved significantly: it has become less formulaic, primitive and annoying to the audience, but it has retained its unique advantage of attracting clicks. It is a necessary technology for the media in today's unprecedentedly competitive information market. Throughout the history of the media there has been a competition for audiences and for the best way to attract attention: for example, in the 19th century, the press used the means of sensation, in the 20th century – expressive means on television. But never before has the manner of presenting material played such an important role as it does now. This can be explained by the transition of all traditional media to one competitive platform – the Internet. They all have to compete for audience's time with online media that only exist in e-format, as well as with professional bloggers and ordinary users who also produce content. Creative and appropriate clickbait is designed to help draw the consumer's attention to the information product. This is an effective method in a situation where the competition for consumers' time has reached an unprecedented level. The chances to get a large audience with a headline that does not stand out among others and does not arouse emotion are small. Thus, clickbait has become an integral part of the functioning of most media market participants.

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