
The purpose of the article: improving the security and stability of the functioning of complex technical systems managed by critical information infrastructure objects under the conditions of a destructive information impact, using parameterized evolutionary models. Methods: synthesis of parametrized evolutionary models of significant objects of critical information infrastructure based on the Markov theory of estimation of multidimensional diffusion processes. The result: within the framework of an integrated approach to ensuring the security of complex technical systems, a parametrized evolutionary model of an object of a critical information infrastructure operating under conditions of destructive information impact has been synthesized. An approach to the development of recommendations for managing a complex technical system by means of an operational assessment of the main characteristics of the functioning of a critical information infrastructure object is proposed. A sequence has been developed for developing solutions for the operation of a complex technical system, based on an assessment of the impact level and the results of an operational calculation of the main characteristics of the functioning of a critical information infrastructure object. The results obtained make it possible to reasonably formulate technical requirements for the created or modernized means of ensuring the security of significant objects of critical information infrastructure that manage complex technical systems.

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