
The Kurdish and Amazigh are two nations that faced with various repression and genocide during twenty century. They are origin nation that lived on their lands for long times . they had not any oportunity to get independent and state. that is why, they faced with marginalization, deportation, displacement and Arabization by Arab authorities and governments in Iraq and some African countries. Both the Kurds and the Amazighs defended and fought through the national liberation movement to confront oppression and oppression in historical stages and according to the types of struggle, resistance and steadfastness, and tried to achieve their legitimate national rights. their enemies used the violence methods and genocide against both of them. this research under the title ( comparsion of kurdish and amazigh ginocide in the 20th Century). it is divided in to 4 sections. the first section is "The Concept and Framework of Genocide in the 20th Century". the second section is under title" the Liberal Movement of kurdish and Amazigh nation in the 20th ". third section is dedicated to factors and forms of genocide against the Kurds and Amazighs. in the last section we try to illustrate a comparison between the genocide of the Kurds and the Amazigh and the points common between them.In this research, we have used the historical research methodology and the comparative approach to analysis and historical events and the interpretation of the concept of genocide and its legal definition.we have also used many scientific sources in English, Arabic, Kurdish and Persian that related with genocide of Kurds and Amazighs in particular. In the final search, we presented results.

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