
The paper presents an analysis of the current regulatory framework on theorganization of hotel industry activities in Ukraine. The assessment of the dynamics ofchanges in the hotel business and consideration of the need to adhere to stricter measures toensure sanitation, safety in connection with the quarantine conditions caused by the COVID19 pandemic have been made taking into account present time requirements.The analysis of theoretical and methodical research papers concerning terminologicalbase and the characteristic of the essence of a number of definitions concerning issues of theorganization of economic activities of hotels both in Ukraine, and abroad is presented.The purpose of the study is to analyze the current regulatory framework on theorganization of the hotel industry in Ukraine in modern conditions.Analytical, statistical methods, comparison methods, etc. have been used during theresearch. Taking into account the challenges of time in the direction of creating safe conditions for the organization and provision of relevant quality services in the field oftourism, the main current regulations (international, domestic, industry, etc.) aresystematized and the attention is focused on the urgent need to develop appropriate indicatorsand criteria for their improvement and adaptation to real conditions of their implementationin cities.The article proves that the quality of hotel services depends on a set of measures andactions in their harmonious combination and synergy. Systematization of various factorsinfluencing the development and definition of tools for the implementation of standards,consideration of adaptive factors for the implementation of regulatory requirements should bea driving force towards ensuring the quality of hotel services at all levels of management.The article summarizes the arguments on the need to take into account therequirements of international standards in the field of organization and provision of hotelservices in the state standards of Ukraine.According to the results of the study, it is concluded that knowledge and compliancewith regulatory requirements for the organization of the hotel is important to ensure thequality of the organization and provide basic and additional services to tourists, contributesnot only to a safe stay in a hotel or other accommodation, but also to comfort andattractiveness for further demand among different consumer groups.The results of the study can be useful for employees in the field of tourism, hotel andrestaurant business, service sector in general, scientists, teachers, students of highereducational institutions who master the specialties "Tourism", "Hotel and restaurantbusiness" and so on.

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