
Statement of the problem. The solution of problems related with orientation of secondary school students towards engineering specialties has always been of interest among scientists and teachers-practitioners both in Russia and abroad. For each technological paradigm, the solution of these problems has its own specificity. In 2010, the beginning of the sixth technological paradigm was recorded. It is characterized by such industries as nano- and biotechnology, nanoenergy, molecular, cellular and nuclear technologies, nanobiotechnologies, biomimetics, nanobionics, nanotronics, etc. These industries require a new generation of engineers with systemic interdisciplinary competencies, capable of solving new challenges with new methods and means. Training of such engineers begins with the vocational orientation of schoolchildren, which should be in line with the modern technological paradigm. In order to solve the new problems of professional orientation of schoolchildren towards the profession of an engineer, special training of teachers with modern knowledge and technologies of motivation and training in the context of modern engineering education and professional activity of the engineer is required. Such training can be carried out through special master,s programmes. The purpose of the article is to define theoretical approaches and design principles of master degree educational programs for teachers training in additional engineering education for schoolchildren. The methodology of the study is the analysis of program and regulatory documents in the field of vocational orientation of secondary school students, studies of Russian and international scientists devoted to the implementation of engineering training for schoolchildren, regulatory documents and existing master,s programs in 44.04.01 Pedagogical education; analysis and synthesis of the authors, experience in designing and implementing master,s programs for training secondary school teachers. Research results. The main approaches and principles have been defined of designing master»s educational programs for training teachers in additional engineering education for secondary school students. Conclusion. The system analysis of pedagogical studies, program and regulatory documents in the field of engineering education for secondary school students made it possible to define approaches and formulate principles for designing effective master»s educational programs for training teachers in additional engineering education for secondary school students.

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