
Tereblya salt structure is under consideration at different levels as one of geological objects for Transcarpathian salt industry recovery after emergency reduction of activities of the single salt-producing enterprise of the region in Solotvyno. Despite fulfilled detailed exploration of the Tereblya rock salt deposit towards the middle of the last century, its commercial significance had been staying indefinite until quite recently. This paper first presents the preliminary geological industrial assessment of the Tereblya salt massive by the results of specialized target oriented evaluation based on innovative methodological approaches to the study of salt massifs properties as objects of human made intervention. The basic methodical procedures of the geological industrial assessment performing are reinterpretation and expert harmonization of actual geological deposit data of various professional levels from different years and modern theoretical approaches to assessing of salt strata industrial characteristics, taking into account the established pattern of interconditionality of structural-lithological types of salt rocks and their operational and technological characteristics. Under rock salt research process, concept “functional evaluation” is used. It means finding of all properties of salt massive rock (functional) determining the possibility and expediency of its use for the creation of underground facilities for various purposes, namely raw material value and principal suitability for human-made intervention ensuring the minimization of environmental risks and protection of salt resources. Acknowledged methodological principles of target-oriented investigations of salt massifs environment by structural-lithological modeling have been used to identify spatial location of structural elements with different functional properties in the salt massif volume. Moreover the nomenclative assessment of modern rock salt reserves status has been accomplished as well as recommendations for reserves preparing to use have been developed. As a result of fulfilled geological industrial assessment the feasible uses of the salt structure have been indicated, promising sites for creation of exploration objects –by directions with an allowance for ecological-geological and techno-economic criteria for selection of favorable sites have been pointed, the options for investment decisions have been proposed. Furthermore, the minimum required complex of additional geological-technological testing of rock salt has been emphasized to make correct investment decisions and develop a detailed geological and economic assessment of this deposit.


  • Tereblya salt structure is under consideration at different levels as one of geological objects for Transcarpathian salt industry recovery after emergency reduction of activities of the single salt-producing enterprise of the region in Solotvyno

  • This paper first presents the preliminary geological industrial assessment of the Tereblya salt massive by the results of specialized target oriented evaluation based on innovative methodological approaches to the study of salt massifs properties as objects of human made intervention

  • Under rock salt research process, concept “functional evaluation” is used. It means finding of all properties of salt massive rock determining the possibility and expediency of its use for the creation of underground facilities for various purposes, namely raw material value and principal suitability for human-made intervention ensuring the minimization of environmental risks and protection of salt resources

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При выделении СЛТ пород Тереблянского соляного массива общие методологические принципы были адаптированы для баденской соленосной формации Закарпатья, к которой принадлежат более 20 соляных диапировых структур, в том числе Тереблянская и Солотвинская (Bosevska, 2013). Выделенные группы СЛТ 1 и 2 представляют собой чистую или загрязнённую плотную каменную соль (от прозрачно-белой до темно-серой), отличающуюся относительно равномерным распределением микропримесей и включений несоляных пород с сохранением каркасной структуры каменной соли, а также высокой степенью цементации, что обеспечивает достаточные для подземного строительства барьерные свойства пород (низкая вероятность карста; предел прочности на одноосное сжатие (σс) варьирует в пределах от 20 – 32 до 30 – 40 МПа и более).

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