
The article determines that elementary school is the first level in the process of obtaining general education for children and in their general intellectual, physical and social development. in practice, accordingly, it sets the task for professional education as well – to prepare future elementary school teacher as a social personality, capable of solving certain problems and tasks of professional activity under the conditions of mastering a system of skills and competences. The success of the pedagogical activity of an elementary school teacher implies a special preparedness in the institution of higher education – the formation of knowledge, skills and pedagogical competences aimed at the exercise of professional functions. Study of experience of foreign countries on the professional pedagogical training of elementary school teachers is an important condition for the formation of theoretical and methodological bases for optimization of the training of elementary school teachers in Ukrainian HEIs. An analysis of current approaches to the preparation of future primary school teachers in France, the United Kingdom and Japan makes it possible to highlight the trends that are characteristic of European and Japanese education, namely: training teachers in higher education, two-level education, student development taking into account socio-cultural features, forming in them the readiness for professional mobility, to study throughout their professional activity, creating conditions for internships abroad. Progressive ideas of foreign experience can be taken into account in the national practice of teacher training. Further scientific inquiries may be directed to the study of the content filling of the teacher training programs and the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in the institutions of higher education of foreign countries. Learning and using the experience of other countries is one of the main methods of designing educational reforms in Ukraine. Using foreign experience will help to avoid many mistakes. In addition, the integration of Ukraine into the world and European educational spaces requires adaptation of national educational legislation to pan-European educational principles and practices. These include, in particular, the existence of certain standards of education and professional activity of teachers.

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