
Overwintered eggs of the azalea lace bug, Stephanitis pyrioides (Heteroptera: Tingidae) were collected in February and March in Nagasaki and the hatching trend of the eggs and developmental rate of the nymphs emerged were examined under 3 or 4 constant temperatures. Development of overwintered eggs was linear arcoss temperatures and developmental zero and total effective temperature were estimated to be 10°C and 150 day-degrees, respectively. Development of nymphal instars across temperatures was linear as well. Developmental zero of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th instar nymphs were estimated to be 9.5°C, 9.5°C, 9.9°C, 8.8°C and 10.3°C, respectively. Total effective temperatures of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th nymphal instars were estimated to be 48.7. 37.5, 36.0, 52.2, and 57.6 day degrees, respectively. The total effective temperature of the whole nymphal instar was estimated to be 217. 9 day .degrees.In Nagasaki, this insect overwintered in the egg stage and 1st instar nymph appeared in the middle of April. The adult stage of overwintered generation appeared in late May and after that 3 generations were observed within a year. A trial for forecasting seasonal occurence of the insect using the thermal constants explained above was conducted in Isahaya city, Nagasaki.

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