
The topic of the article is the computational fluid dynamics method for investigation of the contour stability in the rogue waves. Sampling of the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations was done by the method of the control volumes. In order to solve the linear system of the scalar equations, an implicit Gauss-Seidel method was used. Pressure-velocity coupling was achieved by using the Pressure-Implicit with Splitting of Operators (PISO) algorithm. The volume of the fluid (VOF) model was used to solve a single set of the momentum equations and tracking of the volume fraction of each of the fluids throughout the domain. A geometric reconstruction scheme was implemented to represent the interface between the fluids using a piecewise-linear approach. In order to compute the translational and angular motion of the center of gravity of the vessel contour, the three degrees of freedom (3DOF) solver was used. Variable sampling in the time domain was used to ensure stability of the solution. A rogue wave with a single high central peak and two small side elevations was used in a numerical wave tank, which met most of the marine observations. The wavelength of the 30-meter high rogue waves, which can capsize marine vessels of a big displacement, was calculated. On the basis of the spatial spectrum of the rogue wave, equations of the velocity of the fluid flowing into the numerical wave tank were obtained. Due to the non-linear processes the rogue wave height reached its maximum and then collapsed to form a plunging breaker. The contour was positioned at a predetermined distance from the initial position of the rogue wave and when the contour met with the rogue wave, the heeling angle of the contour was calculated. On the basis of a series of numerical experiments, the distances and the wavelengths of the rogue waves capsizing the contours of the fishing vessels were calculated. It was discovered that the rogue waves with the length of 120-140 meters and high steepness capsize the contours of the fishing vessels with displacement up to 9260 tons.


  • Pассмотpен CFD-метод исследования устойчивости контуpов моpских судов пpи воздействии "волн-убийц"

  • On the basis of a series of numerical experiments, the distances and the wavelengths of the rogue waves capsizing the contours of the fishing vessels were calculated

  • It was discovered that the rogue waves with the length of 120—140 meters and high steepness capsize the contours of the fishing vessels with displacement up to 9260 tons

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Метод pешения задачи исследования

Метоäы изу÷ения äинаìики суäна на воëнении ìожно усëовно pазäеëитü на тpи ãpуппы: анаëити÷еские, экспеpиìентаëüные и ÷исëенные. В соответствии с сето÷ной pазбивкой pас÷етной обëасти на÷аëüный пpофиëü (3) "воëны-убийöы" ìожет бытü записан в виäе ìассива äискpетных зна÷ений wi, i = 0, ..., N – 1, от äискpетноãо аpãуìента x = x1, ..., xi, ..., xN, ãäе N и i — ÷исëо и поpяäковый ноìеp эëеìентов сето÷ной pазбивки, соответственно. N=l ãäе un = gkn|Yn|/σn — ìоäуëü вектоpа скоpости; |Yn| — ìоäуëü коìпëексной аìпëитуäы n-й синусоиäаëüной воëны; g — ускоpение свобоäноãо паäения; kn = 2π/λn — воëновое ÷исëо; σn = gkn — уãëовая ÷астота; x0 — кооpäината вхоäной ãpаниöы pас÷етной обëасти; φn — зна÷ение фазовоãо уãëа n-й коìпоненты пpостpанственноãо спектpа; l и L — ноìеpа коìпëексных аìпëитуä ëевой и пpавой ãpаниö усе÷енноãо спектpа соответственно. 8 100 100 15,5 0,49 1,74 13,92 174 174 9 100 100 17,2 0,54 1,49 13,41 149 149 100 100 18,8 0,59 1,38 13,80 138 138 100 100 20,5 0,64 1,30 14,30 130 130 100 100 22,0 0,69 1,20 14,40 120 120 зово*йSвbо=ëнπыHсbо/λоbтвиетHстbв—еннноа.÷аëüные крутизна и высота ба-

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