
Submicroscopic studies of the respiratory part of the lungs after 2 and 6 hours after the experimental acute lung injury with hydrochloric acid established adaptive-compensatory and destructive changes in the components of the air-blood barrier.The aim of the study – to learn submicroscopic changes in the components of the air-blood barrier of the lungs in the early period after acute lung injury.Materials and Methods. The experiments were carried out on 30 white mature non-linear male rats weighing 200–220 g. The animals were divided into 3 groups: 1 – control group, 2 – hydrochloric acid damage after 2 hours, 3 – hydrochloric acid damage after 6 hour.Results and Discussion. In an experiment on mature white rats, a study was made of the submicroscopic state of the components of the air-blood barrier in the early periods after acute lung injury. It has been established that adaptive-compensatory and initial destructive changes of the alveolar epithelium and the walls of the hemocapillary take place at 2 o'clock in the experiment. The cytoplasm of respiratory epitheliocytes during this period of the experiment was focal-edematous and enlightened, organelles were destructively altered. For alveolocytes of type I, there was a significant swelling and clarification of the cytoplasm. During this period of the experiment, an increased number of actively phagocytizing macrophages appeared, which acquired a rounded shape, clearly contoured membranes of the cariolema, their invaginations were determined, and in the karyoplasm euchromatin predominated. In alveolocytes of type II, after 6 hours, the progression of destructive changes was established. For which there were peculiarity hypertrophied nuclei with deep invagination of the cariolema, in which there were few nuclear pores, locally expanded perinuclear space. In the edematous cytoplasm, organelles were found to be destructively altered.Conclusions. Acute damage to the lungs leads to a disruption of the ultrastructural organization of the air-blood barrier. Established adaptive-compensatory processes and signs of destructive changes in the alveolar epithelium and the walls of hemocapillaries, which leads to deterioration of gas-exchange processes in the lungs.

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