
The article is devoted to the design and technological training of engineering and pedagogical specialists using the system of educational technical tasks. The analysis of the concepts of "task", "educational task", "technical task". The features and content of educational tasks are disclosed. Examples of educational technical problems that are used in teaching subjects of vocational and practical training are given. . The tasks were developed for health education at a higher education (higher education) level, to recognize the specialty of the technology teacher, the education service (on the basis of the Kherson State University) and the specialty of the "State Agency". It is proved that the educational task becomes educational only in conjunction with the previous and subsequent, that is, in the task system. It is demonstrated how each next task must necessarily contain elements of the previous one, however, the conditions for their use, as well as the wording or designation of the previously discussed concepts must be new. Performing repeatedly repeated operations with the same concepts and with a variation in the initial data and the form of posing questions contributes to the development of skills to solve technical problems. It is indicated that the solution of creative problems requires a future specialist to know the basics of various sciences and skills to effectively apply knowledge in each specific situation. In particular, in solving technical problems, students use drawing knowledge (analyzing graphically given conditions of the problem, schematically depicting their sentences), in physics (mechanics, electrics and magnetism, optics), they develop personal abilities for analysis, critical evaluation, generalization, and systematization. The use of educational technical tasks in the training of future specialists is an important element of their creative development, since their solution to technical ones promotes the integrated application of students' knowledge. I’m developing a system of primary technical tasks; I’m thinking for an independent robot and for activating an initial process.

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