
A decrease in active movement is the cause of many diseases of modern man. The majority of schoolchildren in Ukraine (70.6% of boys and 83.0% of girls, 2016) did not follow recommendations for physical activity (PA). During the quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, children’s PA was limited in many countries of the world. Increasing motor activity is one of the powerful means of preventing a number of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders. Purpose - to determine the levels of PA of adolescents in the conditions of quarantine restrictions in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic; to establish the types of activities that ensure sufficient and low motor activity; to indicate ways of increasing it in adolescence. Materials and methods. The analysis of 138 questionnaires of teenagers aged 10-18 from spring 2020 to February 2022 was carried out: 68 girls and 70 boys. PA of adolescents was assessed using the International Adapted Physical Activity Questionnaire. All types of РA during the week (sports sections, active games, morning exercise, hiking, physical education classes) and the time spent on each type were taken into account. A total score of up to 7 points corresponded to low РA, from 7 to 8.9 to moderate, more than 9 to high РA. Results. 50.1% of teenagers had low FA, 22.4% middle, and 27.5% high. In the group of teenagers with low РA, only a third had motor games in the fresh air and morning exercises, 62% of them attended physical education classes and 18% - a sports section. Children with average РA in 35% of cases attended the section, 84% - physical education classes, and every second one did morning exercises and had active games. High РA consisted of a combination of sports (82%) and physical education lessons (87%), active games (66%) and morning exercises (68%). Almost all teenagers, regardless of the level of РA, had walks, but for every third person with low РA, their duration did not exceed 30 minutes. With average and high РA, the duration of walks in most people was more than 40 minutes. Conclusions. A more important task for educators, parents, doctors and the state as a whole is to increase the motivation of teenagers to physical culture and expand health and sports areas, their adaptation in periods of social restrictions. To achieve optimal РА, both the variety of types of activity and their duration are important. The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies. No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.

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