
The article deals with theoretical and methodological approaches to the essence of the state sovereignty in modern conditions of legal globalization and European interstate integration from the point of view of searching for effective means of complex legal modernization of society. The author analyzes the legal content of this category, shows its specific features, reveals the importance of the processes of improving the basic elements of social relations and constitutional modernization of society and the state in modern conditions of legal globalization and European interstate integration. The need for further improvement of constitutional and legal regulation of the most important social relations as a key direction of legal modernization of social relations in a modern democratic state based on the fundamental foundations of European constitutionalism is underlined. At the same time, at the doctrinal level, there is no doubt that the Constitution of Ukraine has a certain degree of almost all the well-known features of the world, in particular, the European, constitutions. Summarizing the above, we consider it necessary to highlight the following main formal and legal features of the Constitution of Ukraine, which is the fundamental ground for modern constitutional and legal reform in our state: 1) a special subject accepting (people's character); 2) the fundamental (institutional) nature; 3) stability is coupled with dynamism; 4) reality; 5) formal and legal properties: the Constitution – the Fundamental Law of Ukraine; its highest legal force; Constitution – the legal base of legislation; A special procedure for making and amending; Special content and structure of the Constitution; Direct effect of its norms. This list is not exhaustive, but in our opinion, it is optimal for defining the main tasks and principles of constitutional and legal reform in the current conditions of legal globalization and European interstate integration. Thus, with the improvement of the Constitution of Ukraine as the main source of constitutional law of Ukraine, it is necessary to focus not only on the modernization of certain institutions that regulate it, but also on the strengthening of its legal properties in general. In other words, the leading role of the Constitution in the system of sources of constitutional law of Ukraine is due to its inherent legal properties, ensuring their effectiveness in society and is a priority task of modern constitutional and legal reform. Thus, under the constitutional and legal reform, in today's conditions of legal globalization and European interstate integration, it is necessary to reform of the sphere of constitutional law directly as a leading national branch of law of Ukraine, the formally-legal improvement and improvement of the constitutional legal material at all its system levels, as provisions, institutions, sub-sectors and industry as a whole. It should also be noted that the subject and object of the branch of constitutional law varies in modern conditions under the influence of a whole range of objective factors of legal and political reality, in particular, it refers to the processes of legal globalization and intergovernmental integration, which, in turn, internally causes the emergence of new branches and subnets of national law, strengthening the internationalization of constitutional law and the constitutionality of international and European law, the adaptation of domestic constitutional laws and to basic European legal standards as a prerequisite quality of the constitutional and legal reform in accordance with objectively existing conditions of society. The need for further improvement of the constitutional and legal regulation of the most important social relations as the most important line of public power in the context of the perception of the European legal system by the national legal system of Ukraine

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