
The present article deals with the artistic interpretation of travel and escape. Its purpose is to determine the features of the wandering motive in the neo-mythological lyrical poetry of the 1990s. The lyrical poetry of the 1990s can be characterized by the dynamic plots related to the road, freedom, return, escape and meetings. A travel for the poets of the late 20th century was an integral part of their artistic world which makes the basis of the authors’ myth-making. The starting point of the journey in the 1990s lyrical poetry is the movement, for this reason the texts are so full with the words denoting the process. This is primarily due to the fact that the poetry of this period is aimed at multi-vector changes, precisely in ideological and thematic, social and cultural, aesthetic and axiological planes, since this poetry is published when Ukraine gained independence. Movement as an artistic component of creating the motive of wandering is compared with natural phenomena, feelings, states, imaginations, memories and dreams. In the artistic spectrum, the motive of wandering interacts with other motives characteristic of the poetry of this period, i.e. loneliness, despair and death. The level of its semantic fi eld is re-considered owing to the introduction of specifi c lexemes into the texts, together they build an integral system. Functioning of this motive of wandering is possible through the use of direct and thematically related nominations to indicate the action (travel, wander, run, get lost, return etc.) and through layering the lexical series which makes a structure of the artistic space. This motive is also present by means of attracting the zoomorphic images, which perform in neo-mythological lyrical poetry not only a symbolic, cultural and aesthetic function, but also a psycho-emotional one, related to the sphere of expectations, feelings and mood of the recipient. Travelling in the reinterpretation of the 1990s poets is a polysemantic artistic and aesthetic model of thinking, directly related to the movement (the stories in the lyrics are always dynamic), the human and is directed at the search for the truth, home, solitude, shelter and salvation. Keywords: neomythological lyrical poetry, wandering, motive, poets of the 1990s.

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