
The work is devoted to the study of forms, models and principles of the organization of intercultural communication, as well as the peculiarities of their functioning in dialogical statements. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to develop problems of typologization of the principles of intercultural communication (IC) and the conditions for their speech implementation interest in which is dictated by changes in society, the expansion of interaction between cultures and peoples. The problems of cultural identity, cultural differences and mutual understanding are especially relevant. The subject of the research is intercultural communication in Ukrainian and English linguistic cultures. The object of the research is the typology of models, forms and principles of the organization of intercultural communication, their speech realization in the analyzed linguocultures. The aim of the study is to analyze scientific data on the problems of typologizing models, forms and principles of intercultural communication, to generalize its semantics and pragmatics in each of the studied linguocultures, to determine the typology of models, forms and principles of organizing intercultural communication. The definition of intercultural communication is obvious from the term itself: it is the communication of people representing different cultures. We adhere to the following definition: "Intercultural communication is an adequate understanding of two participants in a communicative act belonging to different national cultures." Intercultural communication as a social phenomenon was brought to life by the practical needs of the post-war world, which were supported by changes in public consciousness, in recognition of absolute value of the diversity of world cultures in the rejection of the colonial cultural policy, in the awareness of the fragility of existence and the threat of destruction of most traditional cultures and languages. Currently, there are various approaches to describing the intercultural and intracultural interaction of people in society, but the study of linguistic and semiotic models of communication is not given due attention either in domestic or foreign linguistic knowledge. The Western communication models described in the work do not meet contemporary requirements. Acquaintance with the works of Western scientists allows us to assert: used methods and approaches do not cover and do not describe all aspects of intercultural communication. IC can be explored either at the group level or at the individual level. Most of the research carried out at the group level was of an anthropological and sociological nature. They were based on two methodological approaches: 1) "understanding of cultures as cognitive systems", which is described by V. Gudenaf; 2) understanding of culture as a "symbolic system" the opposite approach of K. Geertz. The state of contemporary society, in which one of the main problems is the problem of intercultural interaction, has led to a heightened interest in the research of cultural anthropologists who have developed a new understanding of the foundations of the existence of culture. Historically, contemporary communicative linguistics, continuing the traditions of F. Schleiermacher and his "general" hermeneutics, which studied the process of understanding and its regularities, focused on the conditions for only successful communication. At the heart of any process of understanding is precisely the principle of interaction between parts and the whole, which is a prerequisite for the application of the systemic method in each specific area of research. In this way, an understanding of both the behavior of people and the products of their cultural and historical activities occurs.

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