
The aspects of formation of gender culture of students in the process of studying psychological and pedagogical disciplines are revealed. Gender education and upbringing were studied as a psychological and pedagogical problem. Generalized existing approaches to the interpretation of the key concept of the study, which gave grounds for interpreting its own definition of the phenomenon of "gender culture". The essence and peculiarities of the gender culture of modern student youth have been established. The pedagogical conditions for the formation of the gender culture of student youth in the process of studying psychological and pedagogical disciplines are grounded: 1) the content of the content of educational disciplines is filled with a gender theme aimed at the formation of contemporary ideas about the relationship of the sexes among students; 2) the use of interactive technologies that will be based on improving the personality-oriented approach to increasing the motivation of student youth to form their own gender culture; 3) the organization of teachers of psychological and pedagogical disciplines of out-of-class work with student youth, aimed at the destruction of established and the formation of modern gender stereotypes. Realization of pedagogical conditions of formation of gender culture of students in the process of studying of psychological and pedagogical disciplines allowed us: to acquaint students with information about gender problems in modern society; promote the assimilation of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of gender studies, the formation of knowledge about gender theories, awareness in the legal and regulatory framework, the formation of ideas about the characteristics of gender and gender identity of a person; to focus on building humane interpersonal relations and recognizing the ideas of gender equality in the public and private spheres of life; form behavior based on gender.

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