
The following paper is trying to examine the restoration of the official diplomatic relations between Song China and Koryo dynasty during the late 11th century. This paper is also trying to investigate the differently written Chinese and Korean primary sources especially in relating to the 1068-1071 historical incidents. The political situation in the 11th century not only formed a new international order in East Asia but also established a balance of power among the Khitans, Song China and Koryo dynasty, such that there was no single power dominated. Peaceful conditions were thus maintained and led to economic and cultural prosperity in this area. After Koreans accepted Khitan supremacy through the long wars between the two states in 1019, the Koryo dynasty had sought strategically important ally in East Asia, particularly with the Song which eventually restored the official diplomatic relations between the Chinese and Koreans during the 1068-1071. Since that time, the relations between the Song and Koryo dynasty were so close that they not only exchanged envoys but also many cultural products. For instance, In 1079, when King Munzong of Koryo fell ill, Emperor Shenzong had specially sent medical officials to cure the aged Korean king as an expression of the importance of this state to the Song government.

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