
This article analyzes theoretical approaches of Russian religious thinkers (Vyacheslav Ivanov and Andrey Bely) to the linguistic and metaphysical comprehension of symbol. It is shown that this approaches to the symbol can be considered in view of the linguo-philosophical concept of predicativity. In this regard, Lyudmila Gogotishvili's predicative concept of the symbol is used in the article as a methodological toolkit. It has been substantiated that, within the framework of this concept, the expression transcendental sense in the name and by myth predicativity turns out to be fundamental. A hypothesis is put forward that these corrections make it possible to evaluate the linguo-philosophical features of various approaches to the symbol within the tradition of Russian symbolism. The article carries out an extrapolation of Gogotishvili's linguophilosophical approaches to a comparative analysis of Vyacheslav Ivanov and Andrey Bely's symbolism, which differ primarily in their evaluation of ontological status of sense expressed by symbol. On the basis of the analysis carried out, it is concluded that Vyacheslav Ivanov's symbolism is associated with the predicative expression of transcendent sense in language through an unconventional myth, and Andrey Bely's symbolism is associated with the subject-predicative conventional connection of linguistic units through a metaphor. On the basis of methodology in question it is also shown that Andrey Bely's symbolism, in contrast to Vyacheslav Ivanov's symbolism, is not inclined to expressing the transcendent sense, but designates an immanent presence of the sense in the language space.

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