
In the modern world, where innovation and technological progress become the foundation of economic development, the issue of human resource utilization within the context of the creative economy acquires particular relevance. The development of information technology and the increasing significance of knowledge and creativity in the economy have changed approaches to personnel management, playing a key role in stimulating innovative development. The traditional understanding of human resources as a "resource" used to achieve economic goals gives way to a new view, where people are seen as active participants in the production process, whose talents and abilities are decisive for the success of the enterprise. This study analyzes the evolution of the concept of "human resources" and its transformation into the newer term "human talents," reflecting deep changes in the attitude towards the role of the person in the production process. In the context of the creative economy, which requires not only qualifications and professional skills but also creative abilities and innovative thinking, there arises a need for new approaches to human capital management. Recognizing people as "talents," not just "resources," underscores the importance of an individual approach, development, and support for each employee, stimulating creativity and innovation at all levels of the organization. This research highlights the historical development of the concept of "human resources," analyzing its evolution from the pre-industrial era to the present, where the human factor is considered a strategic asset. The main focus is on changes in the paradigm of personnel management that have occurred in response to the challenges of the creative economy and the information age. The article emphasizes the importance of transforming the term "human resources" to "human talents," focusing on the creative potential, innovativeness, adaptability, and flexibility of people as key elements of innovative development. The conclusions of the study underline the necessity of revising approaches to managing human resources in the conditions of the creative economy, with a special emphasis on the development and support of human talents as a basis for stimulating growth and success in an innovative business environment. Therefore, this research makes an important contribution to understanding the dynamic changes in the creative economy and their impact on human capital management, indicating ways to optimize the use of human talents for achieving competitive advantages.

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