
Introduction . Stigmatization of mental disorders and discrimination against people with mental disorders remain the most persistent obstacles to improving the quality of life of these people. Stigmatization is the cause of deteriorating health due to untimely access to professional help . People prefer to hide their mental health disorders from others and from themselves. Stigmatization exacerbates the negative feelings of the patient and his family, in particular, the fear of social relationships due to fear of disclosure of secrets, fear of being ridiculed, fear of social exclusion, guilt. Purpose . The aim of the study is to identify the tendency of student psychologists to stigmatize people with mental disorders and to find its correlations with the psychological features of young people. Methods . Psychodiagnostic methods used in the study : Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, 16PF (R. B. Cattell); Рersonality self-esteem ( Н. Kazantseva ); State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, STA (C. Spielberger); Level of reflexivity scale (А. Karpov ) , Tolerance of ambiguity scale (S. Budner) ; The Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality (T. Leary) . An author's questionnaire was developed to identify the features of stigmatization . Originality . The study of the specifics of stigmatization of mental pathology by students-psychologists will allow specialists of psychological services to develop and implement effective programs to prevent and overcome this problem. Conclusion . Increased trait- anxiety does not correlate with a change in perceptions of mentally ill people. T rait - anxiety increases with decreasing self-esteem . As tolerance of ambiguity decreases, the negative perception of people with mental disorders increases. It is known that the experience of uncertainty, incomprehensibility of the situation causes an increase in reactive anxiety, which is difficult to regulate because it is intense, and the sources of its occurrence are often beyond human consciousness. To avoid or reduce such anxiety a person needs to quickly navigate the situation, name, define, predict . In such In such situations, a person tends to think stereotypically, because it is a fast and economical way to predict events. With the increase of reflection for students of psychology, the importance of scientific information about mental pathology increases. With the increase in the level of reflection of psychology students, they tend to rely on scientific information about mental pathology. This may indirectly indicate a reduction in stigma A correct understanding of the causes of mental pathology, symptomatology, ways of helping and ways of establishing communication with persons who have mental disorders, reduces fear, promote to unconditional acceptance of another person. The above is an important competence of a psychologist

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