
The article considers topical issues of independent work of students of art faculties of pedagogical universities on the subjects of conducting and choral cycle, and outlines the ways to improve professional training of future music teachers for practical activities in educational institutions. The development of higher pedagogical education in Ukraine in the European context requires the increasing of public attention to quality of teachers training. Higher education is gradually but steadily transitioning from the transfer of information to the management of educational and cognitive activities, to making students develop their skills for independent work. The pedagogical scientific literature considers students' independent work as a set of various teaching techniques and actions through which the independent consolidation and deepening of acquired theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities, as well as mastering of the new ones, is performed. It is an organic component of all stages of the learning process, as well as an effective means of future music teachers training, and it is extremely important in the process of forming and improving knowledge, developing students thought and personal qualities. The content of student's independent work is determined by the working curriculum of the discipline, methodological recommendations, tasks and instructions of a teacher. In the context of conducting and choral training, independent work is one of the means for students to acquire deep knowledge, skills and abilities in conducting. Independent work has a positive effect on the development of mental, creative, intellectual abilities. Therefore, independent work is greatly important not only for development of personal qualities, but also for introduction of didactic principles of teaching in the practice of conducting training, among which activity and awareness plays a particularly important role. Thanks to independent work, favorable conditions are created for mastering conducting techniques and analytical assimilation of choral score. Independent work opens up great opportunities for successful development of a student's creative personality. Only in vigorous learning activities a future music teacher can learn to use the acquired skills and abilities in independent work.

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