
美国短篇小说家莉迪亚•戴维斯获得2013年布克国际奖。戴维斯的作品打破了传统短篇小说创作的常规和边界,被评论家称为一位“基本上属她自创的文学形式的大师”。本文试图通过她出版于2009年的《莉迪亚•戴维斯小说集》中的2篇小故事,从文学伦理学批评视角来解读:当今信息爆炸的环境下、风行的“碎片化阅读”语境中、互联网发展的“短平快”文体、浅阅读的流行等社会环境背景与戴维斯的极为精简的语言和叙事方式、甚至完全抛开了传统小说的人物、环境、情节三要素、她的无法归类的文体和语言特质的短篇小说之间的复杂关系。本文抛砖引玉,以期更深入的探讨后现代文学环境给当今人类社会带来的伦理思考。 Lydia Davis won the Man Booker International Prize 2013 and then her short stories were intro-duced to the Chinese readers. Her inventive, carefully-crafted and hard-to-categorize works are totally different from what we define traditional novels from which she created the “original”, “unusualness” novels of her own style. This paper, with reference to terms as ethical situation, ethical identity, ethical choices, ethical literary criticism, attempts to explain and comment on the different life with its moral features from ethical perspective in 2 short stories by Lydia Davis in her book The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis under the current social situations: information exploding environment, the prevailed “fragmentation” reading context, “short, adaptable and fast” writing stylistics, the popular “shallow reading” way due to the easy access to Internet.

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