
The proposed article analyzes the role of physics in the development of modern medicine. The principles of effective teaching of medical and biological physics are considered. The conditions which provide formation of positive motivation of educational activity in the course of training to medical physics are opened. Defining the main pedagogical functions of the textbook in the educational process. The analysis of some problems of the existing textbooks on medical physics for higher medical educational institutions is made and the possible ways of their decision are offered. The structural-logical analysis of the educational text of the content module «Bioacoustics. Biophysics of the senses. Fundamentals of audiometry», The statement of the content of the theory in the textbook «Medical and biological physics» Chaly O. V. is analyzed. The description of the basic structural elements of the textbook on medical physics developed by us is given. Modern approaches to the organization of the educational process using an electronic textbook on medical physics are considered. It is concluded that the reduction of the textbook due to the reduction of mathematical calculations and calculations should not lead to the exclusion from the educational process of work on this material. We consider it expedient to transfer calculations and conclusions of laws and formulas to the collection for practical classes. In our opinion, the combination of electronic textbooks with programs that control knowledge, supplemented by communication between teacher and student in real time have great potential for effective learning, including distance learning. Key words: medical physics, biomedical research, medical technologies, learning efficiency, electronic textbook.

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