
The article deals with the problem of theoretical substantiation of terminology and concepts related to gamification is considered, examples of theoretical interpretations of the concepts of "game", "gamification" in foreign and domestic sources are given, the difference between gamification and gaming is determined. Modern national education is a complex system of interconnected levels of education that has a unique ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. Higher education is an area with high potential for the application of the concept of gamification. However, the use of elements of gamification in the teaching process in the Ukrainian segment of education is poorly understood. This is a fairly new innovative method of activating the educational potential of future technical specialists. Gamification can be considered a promising innovative means of improving the professional competencies of higher education. The introduction of gamification in the free economic zone requires improvement and practical testing for effective application in the educational process, for this purpose, the study of psychological and pedagogical aspects is relevant. In the field of education, the technology of gamification is gaining popularity as a simulation of the situation to solve problems of different levels of complexity. Gamification in free economic education has prospects for creating an information and educational environment that will promote the development of soft-skills. It is important to distinguish gamification from game-based learning (game learning). These terms may seem similar and interchangeable. The fundamental difference is how the game elements are integrated into the learning process. Game learning is a type of active learning in a game environment that has specific goals and measurable results. This is an activity in situations aimed at the reproduction and assimilation of educational experience. While gamification is the process of adding game elements or mechanics to an experience. In the process of gamification, game elements are differentiated from educational content. As a result, we get non-gaming learning activities using gaming principles. Unlike game learning, in which the game is an experience, in the process of gamification game components are integrated into traditional learning. Key words: game, game activity, gamification, soft skills, educational process

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