
The fundamental processes of technoglobalism have opened wide opportunities for the inclusion of states and regions in the international technological division of labor and cross-border movement of patents and licenses. It is well known that an important indicator of its intensity is the valuable volume of royalties and other license deductions received by economic entities of various countries for the use of their intellectual property objects under license agreements in the field of industrial property, copyright and related rights, the use of databases, programs for electronic computing machines, etc. In the complex characteristics of the international license exchange, it is also important to note that the expansion of the innovative leadership of states with an active balance of technological balance, in addition to export channels, also occurs through the large-scale import of scientific and technical knowledge generated by other states and regions. The acquisition by developing countries and states with newly created markets of the status of active participants in the cross-border movement of patents and licenses in the near future will significantly transform its currently prevailing center-periphery model towards the development of a polycentric model. It will be characterized by a dynamic redistribution of quantitative and structural parameters of international scientific and technological exchange in favor of new centers of global technological rivalry, an increase in the level of systematicity in their mastery of Industry 4.0 technologies, and the formation of new local points of accumulation of global intellectual capital. Therefore, the key vector megatrends of the further development of international technology transfer will acquire clearly expressed dualistic properties, when against the background of a certain leveling of the quantitative and qualitative parameters of innovative development of states and regions, there will be a simultaneous deepening of the technological asymmetry between the leaders of global innovative progress and the rest of the world.

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