
Objective of the research: to study the relationship between severity of clinical manifestations of intracranial hypertension (ICH) syndrome of perinatal genesis and red blood counts in infants who underwent cerebral ischemia (CI) at birth. Materials and methods: 94 children with ICH syndrome of perinatal posthypoxic genesis at the age of 6 months of corrected age were examined: 1st group – with normal hemoglobin (Hb) level, 32 children (34%); 2nd group – with reduced Hb level, 62 children (66%). Researchers used anamnestic, clinico-neurological (assessment of the somatic and neurological status with objectification of ICH severity using a specially developed 60-point «Assessment of intracranial hypertension severity» (AIHS) scale in children aged 1 month to 1 year), laboratory study of Hb level on an automated hematological analyzer Sysmex XE2100, Sysmex, Germany, and ferritin level on a modular analytical system Сobas8000, Roche, Denmark) and statistical methods of research. Results: 77% of children (72 children) were diagnosed with mild ICH, 22% (21 children) had moderate severity, and one child (1%) had severe ICH. A strong negative relationship was obtained between the severity of ICH syndrome (the number of points on AIHS scale) and the Hb level (R=–0,72): the lower the Hb level, the more pronounced the clinical manifestations of the ICH syndrome. The ferritin content turned out to be reduced in 83% (78 children), an average negative correlation was found between the severity of the ICH syndrome (the number of points on AIHS scale and ferritin values (R=–0,55): the lower the ferritin content in the blood, the more severe the clinical manifestations of ICH syndrome. Conclusion: in infants with ICH syndrome in the residual period of neonatal IC, a relationship was found between the severity of clinical and instrumental manifestations of ICH syndrome with red blood parameters (Hb and serum ferritin). In this regard, the participation of latent iron deficiency in the pathophysiological processes of the formation and course of ICH syndrome in infants is not excluded.

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