
The article is devoted to the problems of the early XIX century with the emergence and active policy in the education system of zemstvos, where began to appear a lot of institutions for training, retraining and advanced training of primary school teachers. At the beginning of the XX century throughout Ukraine there was a wide network of literacy schools, public schools, church-parish schools, along with training institutions for teachers. The teacher began to stand out in a separate class of intellectuals with the appropriate features and requirements. The study was performed by priests and teachers, who were divided into spiritual and secular teachers. Spiritual teachers were persons who received higher or lower spiritual education so that they could teach the Law of God, church singing, Old Slavonic literacy, prayers and other religious subjects. Secular teachers taught the following basics of literacy: writing, arithmetic, calligraphy, Russian. It should be noted that only a priest could teach all subjects in the church-parish school until the mid-80's of the XIX century. The situation changed with the advent of the «Regulations on Church -Parish Schools of June 13, 1884». The tenth paragraph of this document expanded the range of people who have the right to teach in this type of educational institutions: «Education in church-parish schools is carried out by local priests or others, by agreement, members of the parish, as well as specially appointed teacher, under the supervision of a priest». At the same time, according to the rules, religious subjects, such as the Law of God, the Sacred History of the Old and New Testaments, prayers, doctrines, liturgies, liturgies, Catechism, the Charter of the Orthodox Church, types of church services and their conduct, general sacraments during worship, church singing, Church Slavonic diploma were to be taught by persons who received a theological education in a seminary, academy or completed a course of theological school.

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