
The article presents the rationale and description of approaches to the development and implementation of the regional concept of support for schools with low learning outcomes (SHNOR) and schools operating in unfavorable social conditions (SHNSU). Here is shown the relevance, the main social and social significance of the support for SHNOR and SHNSU in modern conditions on the basis of a theoretical analysis of the results of international and Russian studies. The factors that determine low educational results and the risk of educational failure in modern schools are fixed. The essence of the concepts «difficult social conditions», «effective school operation», «school with low learning outcomes» and «school operating in unfavorable social conditions» is revealed, clustering of schools is shown. The arguments for the need for a comprehensive solution to the problem of improving the quality of education in modern schools at the level of the region, municipality, secondary schools are described using the experience of the Yaroslavl region. The main provisions of the regional concept of support for SHNOR and SHNSU are presented: goal; tasks; principles; a set of criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of schools; a set of activities aimed at supporting schools; and expected results. The groups of indicators are fixed according to the following criteria: a general integral criterion for the sustainability of students' educational results; school social welfare index; the level of professional competence of teaching staff; additional variable indicators for the SHNOR group and the SHNSU group. A set of measures to support schools has been substantiated, including the organization of activities for: developing regional programs and models for supporting schools; identification of SHNOR and SHNSU; identification of professional needs and deficiencies of teachers; development and implementation of regional and municipal programs to support schools, school programs for the transition to an effective mode of operation; creation of regional and municipal infrastructure for supporting schools and a system of targeted methodological support; the conclusion of partnership agreements; professional development of municipal and school teams, teachers; monitoring the implementation of regional and municipal programs to support schools.

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