
The article, for the first time ever, considers the phenomenon of the emergence and historical development of ideology, up to the full realization of this process. Some scientists call this moment of completion as «crisis», the others – as «doom». Considering one essential feature of modern ideology, we call it a «default». We are talking about its voluntary commitment to replace the philosophical knowledge that traditionally provided the European history of previous eras.To understand this phenomenon, the fact of the relationship between ideology and phenomenology is defined as a matter of principle, which almost completely coincides with it in its subject matter. Both are engaged in consciousness. The nuances of their differences are rooted in the difference of theoretical and practical horizons.Having raised the question of the emergence of ideology, the work comes to the conclusion that its cause is the classical German phenomenology (from Kant to Hegel). The same kinds of phenomenology that were created by ideology itself in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have a qualitatively different character. All of them come from the «conditioning of consciousness by being», while the philosophical classics sought to «mediate consciousness as an object, with consciousness as a method». Such a sharp deviation of the various theories of knowledge of the last two centuries was caused exclusively by the practical orientation of ideological consciousness.The use of the «crime novel» form in the article, which is indicated by both the researchers of the «false consciousness» and the researchers of phenomenology, made it possible to trace their interaction in dynamics. By exposing each other, ideologies «dragged» their own phenomenologies into this trial, which, in turn, unwittingly, were eventually forced to take the path of de-idealizing their own origins. So the course of this struggle has undergone significant changes in both phenomena.The article for the first time considers its «naive», «political» and «cynical» forms as the stages of the development of ideology. Variants of the idea of a «consciousness that does not know what is happening behind its back» by G. Hegel, the concepts of K. Marx’s «illusory consciousness» and P. Sloterdijk’s theory of the «enlightened false consciousness» here serve as markers for distinguishing these stages.As a result, it is stated that the default of modern ideologies in a positive way led to structural changes in the classical model of philosophical knowledge. Modern forms of phenomenology began to return to it, but in an updated form. The knowledge of positive sciences, which was previously included in all the historical systems of philosophy, is now excluded from it, and logic, history of philosophy and classical phenomenology, with a stable moment of de-ideologization of all types of false consciousness, become its main task.

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