
In connection with the distance of man from nature, the issues of landscaping, both open spaces and interiors, have become particularly relevant in the XXI century. One of the signature of a modern metropolis is a multi-purpose shopping and entertainment centers (SEC) and complexes (SEC). Every day, the shopping center is visited by hundreds of people of almost all age groups. A well-planned interior and a comfortable environment directly affect the number of visitors and their purchasing power. The most important condition for the comfort of the interior is a phytodesign. Plant compositions in shopping centers make the space attractive and cozy. Staying in green areas does not cause oversaturation and fatigue, allowing the eye to rest in a timely manner. The paper presents the results of studying the features of landscaping of the interiors of the shopping center of the city of Voronezh. Stylistic solutions, the range and condition of the plants used are analyzed. Currently, artificial plants are used in the interiors of most of the shopping centers of our city, which only partially perform the functions of phytodesign. At the same time, stylistic and compositional solutions differ in relative monotony. The implementation of the project of landscaping the interiors of the shopping center with the use of live plants should be preceded by pre-project studies, including the definition of the style and microclimatic parameters of the room (illumination, temperature and relative humidity), identification of the features of the flow of visitors, as well as zoning of the territory.

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