
currently, there is an urgent issue of developing recommendations in the field of reconstruction and redevel-opment of industrial zones against the background of the lack of federal and regional programs for the re-profiling of industrial territories in Russia that regulate the procedure for working with industrial zones. The irrational use of land resources of cities, in which large areas are still occupied by industrial facilities, raises a number of problems of an economic and social nature: a high level of environmental pollution, and as a result, an increase in the incidence of the population, overloading of transport infrastructure, and a lower level of budget system income from harnessing the potential of urban land. In addition, a situation often arises when some of industrial enterprises fall into decay or completely cease their activities. And as a result, such of industrial areas degrade and are not exploited. Another important factor in this problem is the architectural appearance of the old industrial territories in the modern cities. During the industrial period of the formation of urban plans, the situation arose when in many cities such industrial areas are located in the central part of the cities and affect the architectural appearance of the urban environment. The article analyzes and discusses solutions to achieve a result when the industrial territories in the cities, after their reconstruction and reprofiling, in addition to new functional significance, become attractive centers with developed infrastructure

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