
Volleyball-one of the team games, where muscle work is mostly presented by speed-power and coordination. Speed-strength training of volleyball players is solved by means of specialization and individualization of preparation methods, optimization of correlation physical and technical training, taking into account age features, a condition and preparedness of volleyball players that causes need of carrying out additional researches. The purpose of the study: to develop and test in practice the effectiveness of development methods of speed-strength abilities of volleyball players volleyball club “Tambov” in the preparation period. The following tasks are to be solved: 1) to determine the tests to assess of volleyball players speed-strength abilities; 2) to work out a methodology for the development of speed-strength abilities of volleyball players in the preparation period; 3) to test experimentally the effectiveness of the developed technique. Re-search methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical observations; testing of speed-power abilities (control tests); pedagogical experiment; mathemati-cal and statistical methods of information processing. Analysis of the experiment results allowed to establish an increase in the speed-strength abilities, reflecting the height of the jump – by 12 %; in indicators, reflecting the speed of movement – by 2 %; in indicators, reflecting the explosive force – by 8 %.

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