
Al-Hafiẓ Ibn Abd al-Hādī, a prominent scholar of the later centuries (d. 744 H), excelled in various fields including Qirāāt, Hadith, Fiqh, Uṣūl Fiqh, and Arabic grammar. Among his valuable contributions is the book "al-Muḥarrar fī al-Ḥadith," which encompasses topics of worship, transactions, and etiquette. Despite its concise approach, the book remains a major reference for subsequent works categorizing hadiths of rulings. Ibn Abd al-Hādī skillfully weaves together the benefits of hadith related to both the isnad (chain of narrators) and the text, aligning with the principles outlined by hadith scholars in their works on the sciences of hadith. This study aims to shed light on the various types of hadith sciences mentioned by Al-Hafiẓ Ibn Abd al-Hādī within the context of his book "al-Muḥarrar fī al-Ḥadith," specifically focusing on the section on Taharah (purification). The study aims to explore Ibn Abd al-Hādī's methods of listing the hadiths and establish a connection between the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject. It is a library-based study, relying on collecting information from relevant books and sources. The researcher adopts a qualitative inductive approach, employing descriptive and analytical methods to approximate the findings. One significant outcome of the study is the recognition that Ibn Abd al-Hādī's book on hadith incorporates a variety of sciences, including reconciling seemingly contradictory hadiths and delving into the jurisprudence of the hadith as transmitted from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), narrators of the hadith, the author himself, or other imams. The book includes explanations and interpretations of the hadiths, and covers different types of hadiths such as raised (mawqūf) and suspended (muʿallaq). Additionally, it offers concise and meaningful textual abbreviations and narrations.

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