
Background The most important thing in oil and gas development is to provide the uniform water injection through the dividing injection wells. The injectivity profile is non-uniform in the highly permeable watered areas of the reservoir and in the areas with the decreased relative permeability of water based on the existence of remaining film-type oil, air-blown oil, asphalt, resin and paraffin deposits etc. Aims and Objectives To investigate the usability of PVV (polymer water all-season reagent) and RKD (reagent for complex treatment) in the technology of complex treatment on the well bottom-hole equipment in order to improve the work of the injection wells. Results PVV reagent coagulates and forms a gel; RKD reagent dissolves the asphalt, resin and paraffin deposits. Conclusion The optimal concentrations of the components were established, which is necessary to coagulate and form a gel on the basis of the PVV reagent. Moreover, the asphalt, resin and paraffin deposits dissolving ability of the RKD reagent is the highest one.

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