
Transition to circular economy sets a number of new tasks for society and demands special knowledge, strategy and methods. Now speak much and discuss the concept of sustainable development, it concerns the environment, society and economy. The concept of sustainable development and the purpose of circular economy are closely connected among themselves as development of this model of economy promotes creation of the innovative technologies promoting the economic growth, environmental protection and rational use of resources. The general awareness of people in the matter is necessary for the fastest transition to the principles of circular economy. Objective of this research is carrying out the analysis of how residents of the Orenburg region understand and carry out the principles of circular economy. To see an overall picture of awareness and the relation of people to questions of sustainable development we conducted profound qualitative survey of the population of the Orenburg region. Survey was conducted with people of different age categories and a different social status, on city streets, by phone and on social networks, 7853 persons were interviewed. After the careful analysis of answers of respondents it was established that the most part of the population does not have what idea of sustainable development (72.7% of respondents), of circular economy (88.8% of respondents). Some distinctions at the population on age in understanding of these questions were revealed: people of average and mature age think: about ecology, about steady food, about state of the economy; the youth is ready to changes and innovations, but bad knowledge does not allow them it to make. For understanding and practical application of the principles of sustainable development, interferes with Russians poorly deve- loped sense of responsibility for equality between generations and for state of environment. These factors interfere with development of circular economy in our country. Promoting of the concept of sustainable development through broad informing masses will help to develop at each person conscious approach to a problem of reasonable consumption and the civilized address with waste. Without the state levers of regulation process will take place very slowly. Through an integrated approach to informing and financial interest of the population, in Russia process of understanding of the fundamental purposes of circular economy consisting in assistance to sustainable development and establishment of system changes will accelerate.

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