
Аbstract. Approaches to assessing physical fitness level of student youth in the process of physical education of professional pre-higher education institutions are considered. Objective. Identify modern approaches to assessing the level of physical fitness as a mandatory component of the educational process of student youth of professional pre-higher education institutions. Methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of data from literary sources, advanced pedagogical and scientific experience. Results. To date, no document or normative legal act regulating the process of physical education in vocational pre-higher education institutions envisages differentiation in assessing the level of physical fitness of student youth depending on their morphological indices, level of physical health, etc. Analysis of scientific and methodological literature data revealed that the control standards provided in the process of physical education of different age groups are not sufficiently substantiated and do not correspond to the age,motor and functional characteristics of children and youth. To solve the relevant tasks facing the training of future professionals, it is necessary to develop a differentiated approach to assessing physical fitness with methodically correct design of physical education process for young peopleusing adequate forms of organization and methods of control. Among the teacher activities not only the results of physical fitness tests, but the attitude of students to this type of activity, the level of motivation, the need for these sessions should be taken into account. Modern living conditions and development of society require accounting for new criteria for assessing the level of physical fitness, which will improve the process of physical education, as well as strengthen physical health,improve physical development and physical fitness with account for the requirements of future professional activity of students of professional pre-higher education.Analysis of scientific and methodological literature on approaches to assessing the level of physical fitness of student youth of institutions of professional pre-higher education revealed that the issue of their differentiation in recent years has not lost its relevance.


  • No document or normative legal act regulating the process of physical education in vocational pre-higher education institutions envisages differentiation in assessing the level of physical fitness of student youth depending on their morphological indices, level of physical health, etc

  • Analysis of scientific and methodological literature data revealed that the control standards provided in the process of physical education of different age groups are not sufficiently substantiated and do not correspond to the age, motor and functional characteristics of children and youth

  • To solve the relevant tasks facing the training of future professionals, it is necessary to develop a differentiated approach to assessing physical fitness with methodically correct design of physical education process for young people using adequate forms of organization and methods of control

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Мета дослідження – визначити сучасні підходи до оцінювання рівня фізичної підготовленості як обов’язкової складової освітнього процесу студентської молоді закладів фахової передвищої освіти. Тому виникає необхідність не лише в перегляді традиційних підходів до процесу фізичного виховання, а й виникають нові вимоги та висуваються критерії до системи оцінювання рівня фізичної підготовленості студентської молоді.

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