
Weather conditions influenced the level of scab development and fruit damage by codling moth in 2017-2018. Significant changes in the daily air temperature during the growing season, long periods of low temperatures in May and early June, and frosts during blossoming were registered in 2017. There were the main reasons of plant weakening and increasing the development of scab. Weather conditions of the growing season in 2018 were characterized by uneven precipitation and excess of the average daily air temperature, which caused the development of codling moth. In the standard, the development of scab on leaves and fruits amounted to 47.0% and 29.1 % in 2017, and 9.8 % and 3.5 % in 2018. The fruit damage by codling moth in the standard in 2017 was 18.5 % and in 2018 — 50.9 %. Application of the experimental system of fungicides against scab (Indigo, KS; Cantor, KKR; Medea, ME; Grenni, CS) and tank mixture (Strobi, VDG + Grenni, CS) provided the biological efficiency on leaves and fruits of 91.9 % и 90.3 % (2017), 90.4 % и 91.4 % (2018), respectively. The application of plant protection products Gerold, VSK, Calypso, KS and Junona, ME against codling moth in experimental system provided the biological efficiency of 98.4 % (2017) and 94.7 % (2018).


  • ME against codling moth in experimental system provided the biological efficiency of 98.4 % (2017) and 94.7 % (2018)

  • Применение препаратов «Герольд», ВСК, «Калипсо», КС и «Юнона», МЭ, против яблонной плодожорки в опытной системе обеспечило биологическую эффективность 98,4 (2017) и 94,7 % (2018)

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В июне среднесуточная температура была на уровне среднемноголетних значений, а осадков выпало в 2,8 раза меньше. В июле среднесуточная температура была на 2,2 °С выше среднемноголетних значений, а осадков выпало на 6,8 мм больше. В августе при отсутствии осадков среднесуточная температура была на 2,6 °С выше среднемноголетних значений.

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