
Abstract. The questions are considered and the system of organization of sports and mass work in extracurricular time is developed by the coaching and teaching staff of the Department of physical education and the student sports club at the Saint Petersburg humanitarian University of trade unions. Relevance. In higher education institutions, an integral part of the educational process is the discipline Physical culture and sport and Elective courses in physical culture and sport. Sports and mass work is a continuation of training sessions. The organization of this work is a complex and multifaceted process, the effectiveness of which depends on the cohesive and coordinated actions of the team as a whole. Problem, goal, tasks. The purpose of the article is to organize sports and mass work in extracurricular time to increase the motor activity of students. Tasks: to identify the activity of participation of students of 1–3 courses of 5 faculties (arts, culture, conflictology, Economics and law) in sports and mass events during extracurricular time and to conduct a comparative analysis of activity between students of 1, 2 and 3 courses. Materials and Methods of research. The analysis of sports and mass work organized in the 2018/19 academic year was carried out. The activity to attend free sports sections, group and individual paid classes, participation in competitions within the framework of the SPbGUP complex Spartakiad, participation in physical culture and recreation events was analyzed. Results and discussion. After processing and analyzing the data on attendance of sports events at the University, information was obtained. Students of the 2nd year were very active in attending free sports sections. Students of the 3rd year were very active in attending paid group and individual classes. After analyzing the activity to attend the Days of physical culture and sports, it turned out that the most frequently attended these events were students of the 2nd year of 3 faculties: conflictology, culture and law. Students of the 2nd year of 3 faculties: culture, Economics and law made a greater contribution to the complex sports Contest. Conclusions and conclusion. Conclusions: due to sports and mass work carried out in extracurricular time, the motor activity of students increased; students of the 2nd year were more active.

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