
The article is devoted to the coverage of the concept and content of the constitutional principle of equality as a guarantee of the realization of human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine. Different approaches of scientists to the definition of the concept and structure of this principle are analyzed. Definitions such as "equality", "equality" or "equality", their content, relationship and meaning are highlighted. These concepts are considered from the point of view of constitutional law, in particular: equality implies equal legal status of man and citizen before the law, in other words equality of the whole spectrum of rights and responsibilities of all persons, while equality means only equality of human rights and freedoms. It is emphasized that the principle of equality in its content is a broader concept, revealing the indisputable unity of rights, freedoms and responsibilities of man and citizen. It is determined that the constitutional principle of equality belongs to the group of legal normative-legal guarantees of human and civil rights and freedoms, in particular, to the so-called norms-principles. The enshrinement of this principle in the Constitution of Ukraine is aimed at ensuring the rights and freedoms of man and citizen by guaranteeing equal opportunities for all persons to exercise their constitutional rights and freedoms, as well as ensuring equality before the law and the courts. Particular attention was paid to ensuring the equality of constitutional rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons. The issue of equality depending on regional affiliation is raised, along with racial, national, religious beliefs, disability and other grounds. Regional affiliation means the affiliation of a person by birth or residence to a region - part of the territory of Ukraine or the territory of compact settlement of Ukrainians outside the territory of Ukraine - which differs from other territories in a number of historical, geographical, linguistic and other features. Features of gender equality are described. Some aspects of ensuring the principle of equality in the realization of certain human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine are revealed.

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