
competences on public administration based on European practices. The methodology of teaching foreign language for specific purposes, foreign language for special academic purposes is revealed. ESP – English for Specific Purposes and ESAP – English for Specific Academic Purposes are analyzed. As an example, the methodological provision of teaching a foreign language for public servants is reviewed. The a course-book for the first-year university study foreign language program in Administration at the Faculty of Administration, University of Ljubljana is reviewed.The methodology of teaching English for public servants is built on the principle that the graduates in administration have to be knowledgeable about different areas, such as economics, management, law, public finance, informatics, human resources etc. That is why the topics cover such areas as: Student of Public Administration, State, Government, Municipality and administrative unit, Judiciary, Parliament, the European Union and a Career in (EU) Administration. The methodology of teaching is to satisfy such key requirements as:- as the term 'public administration' encompasses a scope of various job positions and employments the main goal of methodical materials is to satisfy the practical language needs relevant to an extremely wide spectrum of employment possibilities;- the language learners’ specific reasons for learning a foreign language are key for all the decisions regarding content and teaching methods. ESP – English for Specific Purposes – has two criteria features. Firstly, it is orientation toward learners’ goals, and secondly, the necessity for performing the analysis of needs. The curricula and its methodical supply full of useful topics and information for the public administration target group of foreign language learners, such as: - language in the activity of a servant/administrator;- paying income tax;- public administration institutions;- names of various institutions, ministries and types of courts;- names of civil servants' titles ;- learning about the features of a state, the Constitution, the Parliament, the National Council and National Assembly;- the procedure of applying for citizenship or obtaining a residence permit; - information on the EU, its history, EU acronyms and jargon;- the EU as a multicultural society etc. The material mainly focuses on covering the four skills, and language structures. The most covered skill is reading, the least dealt with is listening. In terms of structures, vocabulary is paid more attention to than grammar. The grammar topics include: passive voice; word formation; modal verbs; infinitival and gerundial constructions; phrasal verbs; conditional clauses; very little work with prepositions, tenses and, collocations.


  • У статті окреслються найбільш базові підходи формування іншомовної академічно та професійно-орієнтованої компетенції з публічного управління на основі європейських практик

  • The article outlines the most basic approaches to the formation of foreign language academic and professionally-oriented competences on public administration based on European practices

  • The methodology of teaching is to satisfy such key requirements as: - as the term 'public administration' encompasses a scope of various job positions and employments the main goal of methodical materials is to satisfy the practical language needs relevant to an extremely wide spectrum of employment possibilities; - the language learners’ specific reasons for learning a foreign language are key for all the decisions regarding content and teaching methods

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Наталя Колісніченко завідувач кафедри української та іноземних мов ОРІДУ НАДУ при Президентові України, к.дерд.упр., доцент. Аналізуються програми ESP – English for Specific Purposes – англіййської мови для специфічних цілей та ESAP – English for Specific Academic Purposes – англійської мови для спеціальних академічних цілей. FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROGRAMS IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF ACADEMIC AND SPECIFIC PURPOSES: EUROPEAN PRACTICE. The article outlines the most basic approaches to the formation of foreign language academic and professionally-oriented competences on public administration based on European practices. The methodology of teaching is to satisfy such key requirements as: - as the term 'public administration' encompasses a scope of various job positions and employments the main goal of methodical materials is to satisfy the practical language needs relevant to an extremely wide spectrum of employment possibilities; - the language learners’ specific reasons for learning a foreign language are key for all the decisions regarding content and teaching methods.

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