
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 基于草地生态系统服务认知的牧民生计选择——以新疆喀拉峻天山世界自然遗产地为例 DOI: 10.5846/stxb202105061174 作者: 作者单位: 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41961046) Choice of herders' livelihood based on the perception of grassland ecosystem services: Taking Xinjiang Kalajun Tianshan World Natural Heritage Site as an example Author: Affiliation: Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:牧民对草地生态系统服务的重要性认知成为推动牧区生态环境保护以及牧民生计可持续发展的重要前提。以喀拉峻180份牧户实地调研数据为基础,在分析牧民对草地生态系统服务的认知程度和生计选择的基础上,运用灰色关联分析探究生态认知与生计选择的总体关联性,并采用多元Logistic模型探究生态系统服务认知对生计选择的具体影响。结果显示:(1)生态系统服务认知水平依次为调节服务(79.83%) > 支持服务(78.21%) > 文化服务(77.06%),且对气体调节的认知度最高(82.67%),对科研教育的认知度最低(72.11%);(2)生态系统服务认知与生计选择的总体关联度均在0.47以上,处于中等关联水平;3)生态系统服务认知对选择旅游畜牧兼业生计影响相对显著,其中气体调节和土壤保持正向影响旅游畜牧兼业生计选择,而废物处理对其产生负向影响。 Abstract:The herders' perception of the importance of grassland ecosystem services has become an essential prerequisite for promoting ecological conservation in pastoral areas as well as sustainable development of herders' livelihoods. The collaborative development of grassland pastoral areas can't be achieved without herders' extensive participation and positive response. Based on 180 herding households' field research data in Kalajun Grassland, this article adopts gray relational analysis (GRA) to explore the overall correlation between ecological perceptions and livelihood choices according to the analysis of herders' perceptions of grassland ecosystem services and livelihood choices and multivariate logistic models to explore the specific effects of perceptions of ecosystem services on livelihood choices. The results show that:(1) The level of perception of ecosystem services is, in order, regulation services (79.83%) > support services (78.21%) > cultural services (77.06%), and the highest level of perception of gas regulation (82.67%) and the lowest level of perception of research and education (72.11%). (2) The overall correlations between perceptions of ecosystem services and livelihood choices are all above 0.47, and it is a moderate correlation level. (3) The perception of ecosystem services has a relatively significant effect on the selection of tourism-livestock part-time livelihoods, with gas regulation and soil conservation positively influencing tourism-livestock part-time livelihood selection and waste treatment negatively affecting it. The herders' perception of grassland ecosystem services is related to their life choices, reveals their attitude towards grassland ecological protection, and reflects their acceptance and fulfillment of grassland ecological protection policies. Although pastoralists' perception of grassland ecosystem services is generally at an upper-middle level, it is less effective in guiding livelihood choices, showing the characteristic of " It is easier to understand the reasoning of things, but harder to implement them." Most of the herders are mainly "conservative" herding livelihoods, while only a few choose "adventurous" tourism livelihoods. In the future, a combination of refining herders' own internal strengths and strengthening external government policies are needed to give the new generation of herders sufficient strength to meet the challenges of new livelihoods. On the one hand, it is necessary to practice "internal capabilities" and organize herders to participate in skills training activities so as to enhance the ability of herders to change jobs. On the other hand, by providing external support, the government plays a vital role in the transformation of livelihoods of herders, should give full play to the part of the government to protect the backbone. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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