
The article is aimed at studying the introduction of innovative technologies on the example of a commercial bank by developing a model of simulation of the development of modern digital technologies of bank using a system dynamics apparatus in order to assess the scale and speed of digital technologies processes in terms of improving the theory of decision-making processes for creation, promotion and implementation in the market. A conceptual modeling scheme for the development of banking digital technologies is built, containing five phased blocks and involving the development of a model for simulating the development of modern digital technologies in the banking sector together with analyzing scenarios within the framework of the built simulation model to improve the performance. The built model allows to evaluate the efficiency of the commercialization of digital technologies depending on the implementation of internal managerial decisions and the impact of external environmental factors, as well as the scale and speed of innovation diffusion processes. The conducted simulation experiments under separate scenarios of stimulating and destimulating influence of the internal and external factors and parameters prove that the volumes of demand for banking digital technologies are significantly influenced by internal factors, so the banking institution must constantly increase the significance of these factors and be the initiator of changes and innovative solutions. On the basis of the detected regularities and connections of the simulation model, the results characterizing the conduct of the process of introduction of modern digital technologies are obtained. The implementation of modeling results will allow banks at the stage of making a managerial decision as to the economic feasibility of introducing the innovations and using certain digital technologies in their practical activities.

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