
Esoteric Buddhism has two main sūtras: 『大日經』(Skt.: <italic>Mahāvairocanābhisambodhi- vikurvitādhiṣṭhāna-vaipulyasūtra-indrarāja-nāma-dharma-paryān a</italic>), 『金剛頂經』(Skt.: <italic>Sarva-tathāgata-tattva-saṃgraha-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtraṃ</italic>). Since we know the titled names of the sūtras, the keywords in Esoteric Buddhism are Samādhi, Practice (yoga), and Mysterious Transformation. Esoteric Buddhism, based on these keywords, it has been argued, has a doctrine that our current physical bodies received from our parents can be immediately enlightened in this life. This is called “the Idea of Immediate Body Accomplishment.” This article starts to illustrate the importance of three concepts: the Mysteries transformation, Practice which is integrated into the Samādhi, and analyzing the specific contents and their relationships. Since I noted the importance of the three practices, in this paper I explore the specific contents of those, such as Samādhi, the interrelationship between practices and mysterious transformation. In addition, this paper speculates how the thirty seven heroes, the main persons in the maṇḍala of the diamond realm, could be members of maṇḍala. In other words, what is the reason the appearance of those heroes can be related with the main key words of Esoteric Buddhism? If they have a certain relationship then what is the specific content? What is the identity of Mahā-Dharmakāya- Tathāgata? Who is the foundation and basic material source for all energy, and also who is regarded as the foundation of Esoteric Buddhism? In addition, can we, as sentient beings, be reborn as the Buddha? If so, what is the logical foundation and what is the process for the enlightenment? I explore these questions and suggest the answers based on two foundational scriptures and the somewhat related maṇḍala of diamonds. As a result, the concepts of Samādhi and mysterious transformation are the basis for the Esoteric Buddhism that advocates the notion that physical bodies can immediately achieve Buddhahood. Moreover, these concepts are a bridge to connect Vairocana, as a dharma-kāya and sentient beings. Thirty-seven Buddhas composed as crucial members of maṇḍala of diamonds are all related with these concepts. In other words, these thirty-seven Buddhas are born through these processes and are avatars of Tathāgata, who always loves and has great compassion for sentient beings. It is called the body of adding keep because all processes are accomplished through Samādhi, Practices, and Mysterious Transformation. Sramanas are the bridge between two concepts, between the great compassion by Tathāgata who always loves sentient beings, and The Boddhisattva’s mind by sentient beings who want to be returned to Tathāgata. Moreover, those are the result that Tathāgata and sentient beings are interrelated in terms of three practices, the practices based on the physical, verbal, and intentional actions. The importance of practices can be found in the stories of other Buddhist texts, such as The Sūtra on the White Lotus of the Sublime Dharma (Skt.: <italic>Saddharma Puṇḍrīka Sūtra</italic>), The <italic>Avataṃsaka Sūtra</italic> (Skt.: <italic>Mahāvaipulya Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra</italic>), and some of the texts of Pure Land Buddhism expressed for the principle motivation of Tathāgata (purva-pranidhāna) and the merits of practitioners’ efforts. As we know from the above analysis, the texts of Esoteric Buddhism and Mahāyāna Buddhism have shared some foundational concepts, which are also crucial for achieving enlightenment.

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